terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

English Grammar Review - Adverbs

Os advérbios

Os advérbios não descrevem “coisas”, mas sim “como fazemos as coisas”. Eles vêm sempre junto de um verbo, os advérbios normalmente são aquelas palavras terminadas em com –ly ( –mente).
brave = bravo…………………………………..bravely = bravamente
He fights bravely. - Ele luta bravamente.

bright = brilho …………………………………..brightly = com brilho (“brilhamente”)
The sun is shinning brightly. - O sol está brilhando muito (com brilho).

slow = lento…………………………………..slowly = lentamente
The old man walked slowly. - O homem velho andava lentamente.

Clear = claro…………………………………..clear = de maneira clara (claramente)
Please speak clearly. - Por favor fale de maneira clara/claramente.

skillful = habilidoso…………………………………..skillfullly = com habilidade
She played skillfully. - Ela jogou com habilidade.
Smart = esperto/inteligente…………………………..smartly = de maneira inteligente/esperta
“I never had that trouble”, he said smartly. - “Nunca tive esse problema”, ele falou de maneira esperta.
careful = cuidadoso…………………………………..carefully = cuidadosamente
Watch the movements of the suspicious man carefully.
Observar os movimentos do homem suspeito cuidadosamente.

efficient = eficiente…………………………………..efficiently = eficientemente
Which worker works more efficiently?
Qual trabalhador trabalha de forma mais eficiente/mais eficientemente?

Os advérbios de tempo

Os advérbios de tempo em geral não terminam com a terminação –ly, como a grande maioria dos advérbios, mas como eles são muito importantes, é bom estudá-los e conhecê-los. Vamos dar uma olhada em alguns deles:
always = sempre

I always study English.
Eu sempre estudo inglês.
He always plays this game.
Ele sempre joga este jogo.
rarely = raramente

I rarely eat junk food.
Eu raramente como porcaria (fast food).
I rarely study Japanese.
Eu raramente estudo japonês
often = frequentemente

I often drink beer.
Eu bebo cerveja frequentemente.
They often play soccer.
Eles jogam futebol frequentemente
never = nunca

I never go home alone.
Eu nunca vou para casa sozinho(a).
You never listen to me.
Você nunca me escuta.

again = de novo/novamente

I failed again.
Eu falhei novamente/de novo.
To get good, you have to practice again and again.
Para ficar bom, você tem que praticar muitas e muitas vezes (“de novo e de novo”).
sometimes = às vezes

Sometimes I go to the club.
Às vezes eu vou ao clube.
My friend sometimes studies with me.
Às vezes meu amigo estudo comigo.

Existem muitos outros advérbios de tempo como :
early (cedo), late (tarde), yesterday (ontem), today (hoje), tomorrow (amanhã), this year (este ano), last year (ano passado), next year (ano que vem), this morning (hoje de manhã), etc.
Esta lição é apenas uma base, para você tomar conhecimento de como eles funcionam, assim não deixe de continuar estudando!

Advérbios de lugar

Eles servem para indicar os lugares onde as coisas acontecem, como dentro, fora, em cima, embaixo, aqui, lá, etc.
Do mesmo modo que os advérbios de tempo, eles não costumam terminar com a terminação –ly (como os advérbios regulares).
Vamos então dar uma olhada em alguns advérbios de lugar:
here = aqui

Come here!
Venha aqui!
I am here.
Eu estou aqui

there = lá

Put the book there.
Coloque o livro .
Don’t go there.
Não vá .

between = entre

Between you and me.
Entre eu e você.
Between the cinema and the petshop.
Entre o cinema e o petshop;

everywhere = em/por todo lugar

They are everywhere!
Eles estão por/em todo lugar!

abroad = fora do país

I will study abroad.
Eu vou estudar fora do país
inside = do lado de dentro

Inside the box.
Dentro da caixa.
Inside my house.
Dentro da minha casa

outside = do lado de fora

Outside the box.
Fora da caixa.
Outside my house.
Fora da minha casa.

on = em cima

The book is on the table.
O livro está em cima da mesa. (Esse você já sabia, certo?)

under = embaixo

The book is under the table.
O livro está embaixo da mesa.

English Grammar Review - Adjectives

Are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence - describe nouns.

 Examples:  ·         Happy /  Tall /  Cold

Adjectives go before or after the noun.


·         He is a tall boy. / The black cat is old.


·         The man is happy. / She is young.

When the adjective goes after the noun, you must use the verb  "to be".

·         The boys are tired. / Mike is hungry.

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012

Prayer to St. Sebastian

Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor's court, you chose to be also a soldier of Christ and dared to spread faith in the King of Kings, for which you were condemned to die.
Your body, however, proved athletically strong and the executing arrows extremely weak.
So another means to kill you was chose and you gave your life to the Lord.
May Soldiers be always as strong in their faith as their Patron Saint so clearly has been. Amen.

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Sebastian

The following provides fast and concise facts and information:
 Memorial Day / Feast Day of Saint Sebastian: January 20
 Description / Title of the Saint : Martyr
Date of Death: Saint Sebastian died 287
The Story and History of Saint Sebastian
The story and history of Saint Sebastian. Saint Sebastian was an officer in the Roman army, esteemed even by the heathen as a good soldier, and honored by the Church ever since as a champion of Jesus Christ. Born at Narbonne, Sebastian came to Rome about the year 284, and entered the lists against the powers of evil. He found the twin brothers Marcus and Marcellinus in prison for the faith, and, when they were near yielding to the entreaties of their relatives, encouraged them to despise flesh and blood, and to die for Christ. God confirmed his words by miracle: light shone around him while he spoke; he cured the sick by his prayers; and in this divine strength he led multitudes to the faith, among them the Prefect of Rome, with his son Tiburtius.
He saw his disciples die before him, and one of them came back from heaven to tell him that his own end was near. It was in a contest of fervor and charity that St. Sebastian found the occasion of martyrdom. The Prefect of Rome, after his conversion, retired to his estates in Campania, and took a great number of his fellow-converts with him to this place of safety. It was a question whether Polycarp the priest or St. Sebastian should accompany the neophytes. Each was eager to stay and face the danger at Rome, and at last the Pope decided that the Roman church could not spare the services of Sebastian. He continued to labor at the post of danger till he was betrayed by a false disciple.
He was led before Diocletian, and, at the emperor's command, pierced with arrows and left for dead. But God raised him up again, and of his own accord he Went before the emperor and conjured him to stay the persecution of the Church. Again sentenced, he was at last beaten to death by clubs, and crowned his labors by the merit of a double martyrdom.

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